Is down - September, 2024?

Tab Outages and Status
Tab Logo is a popular online betting platform based in Australia. It offers users a reliable and secure platform for wagering on various sports and racing events. Its user-friendly interface enables easy navigation, making the betting experience more enjoyable. Aside from betting, also provides relevant news and updates, enhancing users' knowledge about ongoing and upcoming events. outages reported by users in the last 24 hours

Possible Tab outages reported in the last 24 hours!

This chart shows the number of Tab outages/problems reported by users in the past 24 hours. All data in the chart is in the Australia/Sydney time zone.

Recent Tab User Reports

Check out the latest user reports on Tab, detailing the types of issues experienced and their locations. This helps you determine if others in your area are encountering similar problems.

  • AU Flag Icon
    Sep 19, 2024 - 15:49

    A visitor from Brisbane, Australia has reported a problem with Service

  • AU Flag Icon
    Sep 19, 2024 - 14:53

    A visitor from Melbourne, Australia has reported a problem with Service

  • AU Flag Icon
    Sep 19, 2024 - 13:28

    A visitor from Brisbane, Australia has reported a problem with Service

  • AU Flag Icon
    Sep 19, 2024 - 12:53

    A visitor from Melbourne, Australia has reported a problem with Can not put a bet on

  • AU Flag Icon
    Sep 19, 2024 - 12:49

    A visitor from Brisbane, Australia has reported a problem with Service

  • AU Flag Icon
    Sep 19, 2024 - 12:01

    A visitor from Melbourne, Australia has reported a problem with Can not put a bet on

  • AU Flag Icon
    Sep 19, 2024 - 11:42

    A visitor from Brisbane, Australia has reported a problem with Can not put a bet on

Join Tab Discussion

Suggestions? Issues? Outages?
Please share your Tab experience with other users around the globe.

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 7 hours ago

I saved money, and I'm hard

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Brisbane, Australia 7 hours ago

One day without a bet, y'all addicted,

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 7 hours ago

One day without a bet, y'all addicted,

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 7 hours ago

One day without a bet, y'all addicted,

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 7 hours ago

One day without a bet, y'all addicted,

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 7 hours ago

One day without a bet, y'all addicted,

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 7 hours ago

One day without a bet, y'all addicted,

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 7 hours ago

One day without a bet, y'all addicted,

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 7 hours ago

One day without a bet, y'all addicted,

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 7 hours ago

One day without a bet, y'all addicted,

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 10 hours ago

This is fucked

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Melbourne, Australia 12 hours ago

So for some areas it’s up?

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 hours ago


AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 hours ago

Is it operational or not. Queensland

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Brisbane, Australia 12 hours ago

Unsure hey, if anyone from qld knows can you let it be known here

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Brisbane, Australia 12 hours ago

Unsure hey, if anyone from qld knows can you let it be known here

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Melbourne, Australia 12 hours ago

So it’s back?

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Brisbane, Australia 12 hours ago

Thank fuck hope this is QLD ALSO

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 hours ago

Rang my local tab and they are on line, You beauty :)

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 hours ago

Any update?

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 hours ago

Not sure here, not at a tab area anymore. If someone tells me it is back up ill go back down there haha

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 hours ago

Surely it’s back up

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 12 hours ago

Any luck yet ? Is it back up ?

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Brisbane, Australia 12 hours ago

And always the way, all my bets that I would have laid today have won so far

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 hours ago

I assume its still down haha

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Steve burrell

Adelaide, Australia 13 hours ago

Some dandelion fuff got into the computer systems

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Melbourne, Australia 13 hours ago

Happens all the time. I swear last time this happened it didn’t take this long ffs

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 13 hours ago

Happens all the time. I swear last time this happened it didn’t take this long ffs

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Brisbane, Australia 13 hours ago

legit spastics. Imagine how much $$ they've lost

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 13 hours ago

Gave no idea on how long or even what the problem is. Bright sparks they are :)

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 13 hours ago

How long do they want to work on it for

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 13 hours ago

Spoke to cust service, no eta yet but they are working on it.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 13 hours ago

Been down for ages now

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 13 hours ago

Unsure I would like to know also

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 13 hours ago

Is TAB back on line yet anybody ?

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Brisbane, Australia 14 hours ago

Anything back on yet? in QLD here still nothing

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 14 hours ago

Still down in Adelaide hopefully back soon

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 14 hours ago

Still out here in SA

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Melbourne, Australia 14 hours ago

just spoke to TAB and there was no ETA ATM. :(

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Wayne Warren

Melbourne, Australia 15 hours ago

When are you back online this is becoming a joke

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Melbourne, Australia 16 hours ago

Tab out in tasmania

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Brisbane, Australia 16 hours ago

Out from Qld to tassy

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Brisbane, Australia 16 hours ago

Looks like TAB Agencies in Brisbane are out and we are told the whole state

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Brisbane, Australia 17 hours ago

Tab agency down

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Phil W

Sydney, Australia 2 days ago

WODONGA Gallops - R4 - says Paying but my bet still says pending

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Phil Clarke

Sydney, Australia 2 days ago

Same problem as Lyall Gardner. Couldn't make a deposit at pub, camgwy error. Then bloke at TAB got same same error but money went in. Then got error when when trying to have a bet. Have had some problems with Ladbrokes as well, Sportsbet sounds the go.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 2 days ago

Same problem as Lyall Gardner. Couldn't make a deposit at pub, camgwy error. Then bloke at TAB got same same error but money went in. Then got error when when trying to have a bet. Have had some problems with Ladbrokes as well, Sportsbet sounds the go.

AU Flag Icon

Lyall Gardner

Sydney, Australia 4 days ago

Wha is camgwy? Stopped me getting a winning bet on on Saturday!!! This is the second successive week. I should switch to Sportsbet and will if this keeps going!

AU Flag Icon

Lyall Gardner

Sydney, Australia 4 days ago

Wha is camgwy? Stopped me getting a winning bet on on Saturday!!! This is the second successive week. I should switch to Sportsbet and will if this keeps going!

AU Flag Icon

Lyall Gardner

Sydney, Australia 4 days ago

Wha is camgwy? Stopped me getting a winning bet on!!! This is the second successive week. I should switch to Sportsbet and will if this keeps going!

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Orange, Australia 4 days ago

Wins not paying

SG Flag Icon

Singapore, Singapore 4 days ago

Keeps saying there’s a problem

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Sydney, Australia 4 days ago

Deposited $50 through tab atm connect machine . Took money, gave me a receipt. Not in my account. A pack of thieves

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Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Tab camgwy preventing placing bets

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Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

What the **** is camgwy? Stopped me getting 2 winning bets on!!!

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Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

What the **** is camgwy? Stopped me getting 2 winning bets on!!!

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Linda Johnson

Geelong, Australia 5 days ago

Can't get a bet on. This is two weeks in a row.
Is it going to be fixed by Caulfield cup week??

AU Flag Icon

P#**ed Punter

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

I want my deposit back into my account.

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Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Camgwy not available

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Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Second week in a row can’t put a bet on.
Says Camgwy

AU Flag Icon

Geoffrey Hutson

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Couldn’t get a place bet on skybird. “camgwy not available” what is happening?

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Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

In Queensland can’t have a bet

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Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Couldn’t get a place bet on skybird. “camgwy not available” what is happening?

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Zlatan nTrifunovic

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Can’t put bet on

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Brisbane, Australia 5 days ago

You win some but you lose more !but when you win you can’t get paid imagine

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J Arthurson

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

What is camwgy?
Stops me having a bet.

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Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

just closed my account for good ,I hope they a re happy with the wonderful service they provide ,parasites!

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

just closed my account for good ,I hope they a re happy with the wonderful service they provide ,parasites!

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Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

This is pathetic from tab..second week in a row no bets no deposits accepted

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

This is pathetic from tab..second week in a row no bets no deposits accepted

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Brisbane, Australia 5 days ago

Bet from 15.25 not paid out yet

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Adelaide, Australia 5 days ago

And one assumes on compensation like last week. I hope Gerard Daffy in the morning tells less jokes and lets people know why is going on with the tab and how they are going to make good.

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Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

And to add insult to injury, now I can't withdraw my balance either...

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Adelaide, Australia 5 days ago

Unable to deposit finds

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Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Two weeks in a row REALLY get your act together TAB it’s the bloody spring carnival

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Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

What’s going on this is out of control (it’s spring and you carnt place a bet)

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Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

this is last I will use this crapping site ,will close my account after today they can keep their shit site

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

this is last I will use this crapping site ,will close my account after today they can keep their shit site

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

What does Camgwy not available mean? Can't put a bet on.

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

What does Camgwy not available mean? Can't put a bet on.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

What does Camgwy not available mean? Can't put a bet on.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Camgwy not available????

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Can't place a bet. Camgwy not available

AU Flag Icon

Phil W

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Same old error, pay and get your software fixed TAB

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Nelson Bay, Australia 5 days ago

WTF 2 weeks in succession. Get your act together

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Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

this is just a shit company ,only care about money .people are just crap to them

AU Flag Icon

Nelson Bay, Australia 5 days ago

WTF 2 weeks in succession. Get your act together

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Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

fucking tab mr. brightside thanks a lot piece of shit tab

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Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

cannot put a bet on -same as last Saturday, outragious.
will be changing bookmaker

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Can not put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Stan C

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

cant bet

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Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Camgwy not available when trying to place bet.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Camgwy not available when trying to place bet.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Camgwy not available when trying to place bet.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Camgwy not available’

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Camgwy not available’

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

‘Camgwy not available’

Translation please? Same time as last weekend like clockwork

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Cannot deposit money to put bet on

AU Flag Icon

Mike Edwards

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

I will be taking a current affair team to office of NSW Racing Minister and Head of Tab Corp NSW,
They produce millions for the State and pay big salaries to the executives, yet have no funds to fix their software.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

can not put bet on

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

I will be taking a current affair team to office of NSW Racing Minister and Head of Tab Corp NSW,
They produce millions for the State and pay big salaries to the executives, yet have no funds to fix their software.

AU Flag Icon


Perth, Australia 5 days ago

Can not put a bet on 'camgwy' issue

AU Flag Icon

Ernie Graham

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Trying to bet on my account but states cagey not available. What does that mean?

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 5 days ago

Can't deposit. We're on?? Who's on?

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 5 days ago

Can't deposit. We're on?? Who's on?

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 5 days ago

Can't deposit. We're on?? Who's on?

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 5 days ago

Can't deposit. We're on?? Who's on?

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 5 days ago

Can't deposit. We're on?? Who's on?

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Can confirm..TAB Sucks Bigtime

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Can't get an exotic on the main race.,wtf?

AU Flag Icon


Canberra, Australia 5 days ago

Cannot put a bet on camgwy unavailanle

AU Flag Icon


Pakenham, Australia 5 days ago

Cannot put a bet on...

AU Flag Icon

Your Mumma.

Perth, Australia 5 days ago

You suck TAB. Time to lose this crappy App.

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

TAB down AGAIN same as last Saturday. I’m out going to sign up with Sportsbet. No wonder their share price is crashing.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Fuck TAB, sick of this shit!!!

AU Flag Icon

Kerrie from Wollongong

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

these outages must be costing millions. trying to put a triffecter on and TAB is down again. same issue as last weekend Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Useless why hasnt this been fixed

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

these outages must be costing millions. trying to put a triffecter on and TAB is down again. same issue as last weekend Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

these outages must be costing millions. trying to put a triffecter on and TAB is down again. same issue as last weekend Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

these outages must be costing millions. trying to put a triffecter on and TAB is down again. same issue as last weekend Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

these outages must be costing millions. trying to put a triffecter on and TAB is down again. same issue as last weekend Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

AU Flag Icon

David Whittaker

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

I can't place bets
Missed $14.40 winner .

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Same as last week. Can't put a bet on.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

That’s it. Off to Sportsbet

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

B.s has happen again

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

same as last saturday and no bonus bets nothing from the tab going to use sportsbet i give up with TAB

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Can't deposit WTF...

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

cant deposit

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Can’t put a bet down

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 5 days ago

Courtesy update?

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 5 days ago

Courtesy update?

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 5 days ago

Can't deposit

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Haven't received payout from the win I had an hour ago

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Haven't received payout from the win I had an hour ago

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Haven't received payout from the win I had an hour ago

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Still haven't been paid for my win an hour ago

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 5 days ago

Here we go again!

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 5 days ago

Same issue as last week. Not showing pending bets and cannot place anymore bets

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Not again. Surely not two weeks in a row.

AU Flag Icon

Geelong, Australia 5 days ago

Can’t see what bets I have

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 5 days ago

Yep shit again

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 6 days ago

Why can't you put up some sort of update?
You happily take the money

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 6 days ago

TAB happily take the money from your account,but won't deposit into there's... so return it then....long may we thieve

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 6 days ago

TAB happily take the money from your account,but won't deposit into there's... so return it then

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 6 days ago

What's going on with TAB "the trusted betting operator"? Have tired several times to deposit but keep getting error messages. Now I see that my band has taken 10 deposits out but they are not showing up in my TAB account. Not good enough, if TAB wish to drive customers to the big private operators they are doing a good job of it!

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 6 days ago

All the pending bets gone

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 6 days ago

Can not login into the Tab for the last 5 hours

AU Flag Icon

Peter Brisbane

Brisbane, Australia 7 days ago

Tab is no help in refunding money $90 that is sitting in limbo who knows where but my bank says it could take up to 45days to sort out . Obviously not the phone operator's fault but where is the assistance from tab nothing. thanks for nothing( TAB Total Absolute Bull ....)

AU Flag Icon

Peter Brisbane

Brisbane, Australia 7 days ago

Had trouble logging on on Saturday to put $30 in my account finally got the $30 in my account only to find on Sunday that an extra $120 had been deducted from my bank account spoke to tab operator on Sunday and told it should go back to my bank account but still waiting.

AU Flag Icon

Peter Brisbane

Brisbane, Australia 7 days ago

Had trouble logging on on Saturday to put $30 in my account finally got the $30 in my account only to find on Sunday that an extra $120 had been deducted from my account spoke to tab operator on Sunday and told it should go back to my account but still waiting.

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 9 days ago down

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 10 days ago

Can’t place bet

AU Flag Icon

Jim McKenna

Sydney, Australia 10 days ago

Nothing from tab yet explaining or apology about Saturdays farce of not getting any multiple bets on all day and some win and place issues. Pathetic

AU Flag Icon

Brian Wellman

New South Wales, Australia 10 days ago

Cant log in.

AU Flag Icon

Chris Dwyer

Melbourne, Australia 11 days ago

Couldn’t place best all day.App worked intermitily most annoying not a word from Tab.Come on Gil the punters are your clients,couldn’t even ring up,no one at customer service to explain.First day of spring racing,seems to happen every year

AU Flag Icon


Sunshine Coast, Australia 11 days ago

Had problems putting bets on. No service. Winnings were not put into account. Long annoying delays & severe frustration. No communication from TAB.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 11 days ago

TAB outage yesterday at Moonee Valley races cost me over $3800 as I couldn’t access my account/money to place a a running double bet on races 3 & 5 that consequently won

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

No paying

AU Flag Icon

Rick M

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Have winners but bets still pending. No comms from TAB to say wat is problem. Not bloody
Good enough. Sorry TAB. Im
Going elsewhere

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Not paying winning bets, been shit all day has cost me a few winners

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Systems can always fail but where is the communication?

AU Flag Icon

Bruce G

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

No money paid into account on Paying bets . What’s happening?

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Winning bets still pending

AU Flag Icon

Geraldine Sherwell

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t get any bets on my TAB account and no results are coming through.
Is there still a problem with TAB ?

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

So un reliable

AU Flag Icon

Marj R

Drouin, Australia 12 days ago

My pending bets are not paying when interim result has ended.

AU Flag Icon

Jim Bx

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Sportsbet has suspended Cash Out so you can not fund your Tab account They are all slimy

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Winning bets still shows pending

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

They have been hacked. If you deposit with a card, better check your account in the next few days as they probs have all your details

AU Flag Icon

G Pinney

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Winning bets still show pending in my accounts

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Winning bets still show pending in my accounts

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Account balance is not updating. Cannot bet now

AU Flag Icon

Kwinana, Australia 12 days ago

Shit again

AU Flag Icon

Jim Bathurst

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

You guys want to get your act together Dummer then dogs dooies

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

This is bullshit. Taking money but refusing to payout. Should be credited bonus bets for their incompetence

AU Flag Icon

Goulburn, Australia 12 days ago

Will take your deposit but won't pay out on a win absolutely ridiculous and no comment from tab about the problem

AU Flag Icon

Goulburn, Australia 12 days ago

Will take your deposit but won't pay out on a win absolutely ridiculous and no comment from tab about the problem

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Taking bets now but not paying dividends. Not good enough!

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Shame I banned myself from Sportsbet

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Why is TAB still taking bets if they are not paying out winning bets??

AU Flag Icon

John O'Brien

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Quit Sportsbet because of issues with account that couldn't be resolved opened TAB account on a big race day cannot place a bet very poor service a bonus bet for all affected by this outage would be appropriate.

AU Flag Icon

Manfred Glagau

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

I cannot make a withdrawal

AU Flag Icon

Manfred Glagau

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Currently Cannot make a withdrawal

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Tab has lost me
Total BS

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot put a bet on. Happens to often nowadays

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Tab service needs a good dose of the salts and I need a good lie down/beyond a joke not being able to bet on the big trots night No Excuse for poor service!!

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Nsw can't put bet on or not able 2 call tab either

AU Flag Icon

Zetland, Australia 12 days ago


Money munchers
Lost me forever
Spend my cash elsewhere

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

This is a joke big night at the trots can even place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

No working again need to be compensation for people or shutdown for good

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

This is a joke big night at the trots can even place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

This is a joke big night at the trots can even place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't login, app says issues.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

this is crazy

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

It started its b.s again

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

This is insanity. It's 2024 and the self proclaimed BEST betting organisation in Australia is down without a single update. Disgraceful.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

No news from TAB, it’s race day!!! Clearly they have issues??? Have they been hacked????

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Why can’t I place bets???

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Why can’t I place bets???

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Disgusting service

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Disgusting service

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

At least they are now registering my losing bets lol. On the flip side of this people would also have missed out placing bets on losers. However you cannot allow continual outages to occur and expect to keep customers.

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Sportsbet, Ladbrokes,bet365 looking like a lot better option!

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Sportsbet, Ladbrokes,bet365 looking like a lot better option!

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

You’d think on a Saturday that they would have backup systems in place and communication with stakeholders would be expected. Very frustrating

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Couldn’t put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

another outage, getting ridiculous, I'm going to sportsbet

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

another outage, getting ridiculous, I'm going to sportsbet

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

New website.Does not bode well for the spring carnival. Why are there no updates ?.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Reliable ? Hahaha !

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Reliable ? Hahaha !

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Reliable ? Hahaha !

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Reliable ? Hahaha !

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Reliable ? Hahaha !

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Money not in account after a successful results cannot have a bet Not at all happy

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Money not in account after a successful results cannot have a bet Not at all happy

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Reliable ? Hahaha !

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

See u later tab sports bet here I come

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Why don’t they update its customers on the problem , very poor customer service

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Why don’t they update its customers on the problem , very poor customer service

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Why don’t they update its customers on the problem , very poor customer service

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Why don’t they update its customers on the problem , very poor customer service

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Why don’t they update its customers on the problem , very poor customer service

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

TAB obviously having problems and there us no explanation coming from them.
Very poor service.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

You should be giving everyone a Bonus Bet because of this outage on a very good day of racing

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

TAB is pathetic, why are you always having outages.

AU Flag Icon

Helen Robinson

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Haven’t been paid for a collect. Trouble putting bets on all afternoon (and for several days)

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

This isnt the star...come on!!

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Put a win bet on Tote via mobile app. Horse won and bet not paid out.

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Put a win bet on Tote via mobile app. Horse won and bet not paid out.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t bet and my account now shows the wrong balance…. What’s going on?

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t bet and my account now shows the wrong balance…. What’s going on?

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot place bet

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

It’s not paying out winnings , but happy to take my cash

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

It’s not paying out winnings , but happy to take my cash

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

is the tab down

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Cost me several winners today not happy

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Tab down again….of course on a main day..unrealisable as usual..

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot access my funds or place a bet. Big losses all round. Unhappy ☹️

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't place bets

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

What's going on with the TAB trying to put a bet on at Moonee Valley & it's say Camgwy not available what the duck does that mean? It's already cost me 2 legs in the quaddie!! We should be reimbursed for the inconvenience

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot place bet or transfer funds

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

An absolute joke!

AU Flag Icon

Andrew Spain

Willaston, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t put bet in

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

An absolute joke!

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

An absolute joke!

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

All customers should get 100 bonus bets!

We spend our hours working hard all week to chill out with a few drinks and punts with our friends and family.
We want better TAB

AU Flag Icon

Maroubra, Australia 12 days ago

Once the races are over it will come back on.There service is pathetic

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

It’s always got problems. Deposit not showing in account

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Up again just got a bet on!

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Should give all the customers $100 in bonus bets because you cost me $$$ today

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Should give all the customers $100 in bonus bets because you cost me $$$ today

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Stuffed that up
Spring carnival ,what will happen on everst day

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can't deposit can't bet can't do anything

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot login ongoing access problems happening far too frequently

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Not paying bonus bets

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

How is TAB going to compensate me for this shit show????

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Seriously what a joke!!! Think I will be moving to Sportsbet!!

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Seriously what a joke!!! Think I will be moving to Sportsbet!!

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Seriously what a joke!!! Think I will be moving to Sportsbet!!

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Missed out on I am Me and Angel Capital, thanks a lot, add to that Pounding and Pericles disgraceful service

AU Flag Icon


Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

If it's not fixed soon, I'll be switching to Sports Bet

AU Flag Icon

Greta and friends

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

I just want to spend money

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

TAB will use an honesty system...just tell them the winners you missed out on and they will pay you!

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on? Why

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Should be up and running on Monday???

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

once again...a technical problem cripples the network...

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Not happy time to leave tab

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

So frustrating

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Not happy time to leave tab

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t bet

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Shock me it’s down again

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t bet

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Shock me it’s down again

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can’t bet

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can’t bet

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can’t bet

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Shock me it’s down again

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can’t bet. Can’t we pending bets.

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Outage what a joke. Useless overpaid it people

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

It keeps saying something is busted.

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on?

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Why is the tab not working

AU Flag Icon

Neil Porter

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Had problems all afternoon placing a bet

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Congrats Sportsbet. You have my business now. This is becoming far too regular.

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Cam timeout

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Not good enough TAB!!

AU Flag Icon

Maroubra, Australia 12 days ago

Do it on purpose

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Congrats Sportsbet.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Cost me money!!!

AU Flag Icon


Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot place any bets, very frustrating.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

And they wonder why they are losing to bookmakers....

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Nil balance

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Not acceptable TAB where are our bonus bets.

Sports bet here I come!!

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot login

AU Flag Icon

Greg French

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot log in to online account. Very frustrating.

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Terrible service happens all too often.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Terrible service happens all too often.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Shorting - can not place a bet
Feel like giving up lately with TAB and going to the premier app in Sportsbet

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Terrible service happens all too often.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Terrible service happens all too often.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Terrible service happens all too often.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Not working

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Service is unavailable and the one chance it logged in all the money is gone

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can not log in to my account

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can not log in to my account

AU Flag Icon

Maroubra, Australia 12 days ago

Not worth two bob anymore

AU Flag Icon

Maroubra, Australia 12 days ago

Not worth two bob anymore

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

It’s evrywhere.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

It’s evrywhere.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

It’s evrywhere.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

You cannot take money from accounts!

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

This is ridiculous. Been a Tab account holder for 20+ years. I'm going elsewhere

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

This is ridiculous. Been a Tab account holder for 20+ years. I'm going elsewhere

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Where are our bonus bets, this is not acceptable!!

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Does not work

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t log in

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Does not work

AU Flag Icon


Newcastle, Australia 12 days ago

My account showing zero

AU Flag Icon

Perth, Australia 12 days ago

Can't log into app

AU Flag Icon

Newcastle, Australia 12 days ago

My account showing zero

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Money gone from account

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t get on

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

not working

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Money gone from account

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Same problem ok for 10mins.

Not good enough TAB.
Where are our bonus bets???

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can't login

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Sportsbet account re-activated. Bye TAB

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Sportsbet account re-activated. Bye TAB

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Sportsbet account re-activated. Bye TAB

AU Flag Icon

Katie Barrenger

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Camgwy unavailable

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

can't put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

can’t place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Not working

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Lots of issues

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can't place a bet with the app. Can't log on on the computer for hours now.

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can't place a bet with the app. Can't log on on the computer for hours now.

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Time to open Sports bet app. TAB is f@$%ed again.

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

FFS absolute joke of a business. At the most important day of the week and continual outages!! Unable to get my bets on. WTF.

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t deposit money into tab account in South Australia

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

So frigging annoying. Can’t place a bet

AU Flag Icon


Townsville, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

So frigging annoying. Can’t place a bet

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t deposit these people are hopeless

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t deposit these people are hopeless

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on.Message is camgwy not available

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on.Message is camgwy not available

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on.Message is camgwy not available

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on.Message is camgwy not available

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on.Message is camgwy not available

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on.Message is camgwy not available

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on.Message is camgwy not available

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't bet on my phone

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on.Message is camgwy not available

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on.Message is camgwy not available

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on.Message is camgwy not available

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on.Message is camgwy not available

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on.Message is camgwy not available

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

What does Cmgwy mean?

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

I can’t bet

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Just tried to use a bonus bet. The bonus bet disappeared but the bet itself is not appearing. Really going well.

AU Flag Icon

Andre Braithwaite

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Shocking, happening too often these days but happy to keep taking our money

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

It’s been down for hours
Hopeless service

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

It’s been down for hours
Hopeless service

AU Flag Icon

TG - Melbourne

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Duncan from Cairns is so right. They take our money & they are worth millions, and the TAB website is so fragile.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

The horses are running and Tab customers are losing !!!! No bets no wins

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Not worth even commenting on

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Sky just announced issues. To little to late.

AU Flag Icon


Cairns, Australia 12 days ago

Not reliable at all!! Always take your deposits, then you can't use the funds, Useless! Should get some compensation from TAB, the amount they must make! Disgusting!

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

TAB unaccessable

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

I need to cash out you stupid fuck fix this shit

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Join ladbrokes better than tab

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Join ladbrokes better than tab

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Join ladbrokes better than tab

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Join ladbrokes better than tab

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Join ladbrokes better than tab

AU Flag Icon

Craig P

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot sign on

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Notice how all the EBTs are gradually breaking down and their readers dont work? Thats because they want everyone on the app. They have no intent on maintaining or updating these machines.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Still no go
F@?k sake

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

TAB is down. Says due to a technical issue.

AU Flag Icon

Alex Gill

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Surely in this day and age any problems experienced should be able to be resolved much quicker than currently

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

money disappeared and cant log in

AU Flag Icon

Ron linton0

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

I have lost my account funds of $ 74.45 and cannot place bets

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Seriously, TAB showing how crap they continue to be. They are on their way out it seems. Treat their customers like mugs. Sportsbet looks like a better option. Will be closing account I reckon.

AU Flag Icon

Dianne Sampson

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

I cannot find my bets; they have disappeared and I cannot place bets

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

TAB you cannot expect people to put up with this.

AU Flag Icon


Cairns, Australia 12 days ago

Not reliable at all!!

AU Flag Icon

Cairns, Australia 12 days ago

Not reliable at all!!

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Managed to place a bet just now.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

message camgwy not available - error message what does this mean

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Can't deposit funds. Account balance went to zero but has now come back.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

message camgy not available - error message what does this mean

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Shit service in the busiest day of the week. Fed up going to another provider

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

message camgy not available - error message what does this mean

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Missed out on I am Me and Angel Capital, thanks a lot

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

money disappeared and cant log in

AU Flag Icon

Edward (Ted) Botham

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can't login, Cant put a bet on. How long before this is rectified ???????

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can't login been timed out had too renew password not fuckinn. Happy tab.

This is shit service

AU Flag Icon

Nadean Doherty

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can't log into my tab account or put a bet on

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put bets in

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Logged in but can't place bets

 Flag Icon

Edward (Ted) Botham

, 12 days ago

I am unable to log in

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

my advice don't open Account with tab it's aout most of the time

AU Flag Icon

Lurlene Varley

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

money disappeared and cannot login in

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

my advice don't open Account with tab it's aout most of the time

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Back working thanks - now just need the 3 winners I would of backed, if ya can chuck a fiddy in my account boys cheers

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

my advice don't open Account with tab it's aout most of the time

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

App is down. Always issues with this app. Lame.

AU Flag Icon

Clayton Price

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot log in

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

App is down. Always issues with this app. Lame.

AU Flag Icon


Wollongong, Australia 12 days ago

Can't bet, deposit and bets are gone, how long will this be out?????

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Back working thanks

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Back working

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

They just wiped out my account I have zero funds now. They should give us some sort of compensation

AU Flag Icon

Clint Irvine

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Service is down won’t login

AU Flag Icon


Hobart, Australia 12 days ago

cant place a bet. cant access account.

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Halfway through placing a bet on the winner on the last race in R7 Randwick, still can't login!

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Halfway through placing a bet on the winner on the last race in R7 Randwick, still can't login!

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Better be back up running so I don't miss Adelaide river shitting in today

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Halfway through placing a bet on the winner on the last race in R7 Randwick, still can't login!

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Better be back up running so I don't miss Adelaide river shitting in today

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

AU Flag Icon

Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

AU Flag Icon

Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

AU Flag Icon

Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

AU Flag Icon

Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

AU Flag Icon

Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

AU Flag Icon

Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

AU Flag Icon

Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

AU Flag Icon

Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

AU Flag Icon

Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on or deposit

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Died in the arse

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Upgrade your code

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Upgrade your code

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t login Brisbane

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t login Brisbane

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

No TAB service 3.40pm 7 september

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Can't log back in . Couldn't put bets on . Lost money. Not happy

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

TAB Hopeless again

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

TAB online website and app won't login

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

cannot bet

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t bet

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

TAB Hopeless again

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can not put a bet on nsw

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Who raped all the money from these blokes today??

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Who raped all the money from these blokes today??

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago


 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Can’t place a bet or see pending bets

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

Camgwy. Not working

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Managed to get 2 win/place bets on Fixed, both winners. Money gone from account, winnings not deposited, My Bets empty.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can't log in and lost all bets when it was working

AU Flag Icon

Tony Harding

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t login or put bet in -again

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Not working

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Not working

AU Flag Icon

Adam eckert

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't log in ... keeps saying site is unavailable

AU Flag Icon

K nielsen

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

No service

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

App cant access account

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

All my bets have disappeared and I now can not log back on

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Not working AGAIN!

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can not put a bet on, missed out on I am me

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can't access my account or see my bets.

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot log in. Let alone put a bet on... duds

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

We must be taking to much of their money so they kicked us out.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

All pending bets have disappeared

AU Flag Icon

Edward White

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place bet - what’s wrong

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t put a bet on - been trying for a while - Camgwy not available? Better not win!

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

What the actual fuckw

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Can not put a bet on, missed out on I am me

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Can not put a bet on, missed out on I am me

AU Flag Icon

Townsville City Center, Australia 12 days ago

Can't log in on the app?

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

My bets have disappeared
And can't put any on

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot place a bet nor see bets that have been put on

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t get a bet on and current aren’t showing

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

How long before it's fixed

 Flag Icon


, 12 days ago

Can’t get a bet on and current aren’t showing

 Flag Icon

, 12 days ago

How long before it's fixed

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

How long before it's fixed

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t log in

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

An’t complete login

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cant bet

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Fuck TAB, useless pricks!!!

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Unable to login to Account on App.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

No Melbourne quaddie ffs useless

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can't log in

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Bad enough can't even bet. Now can't bloody login to watch the dam races

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can't log in to tab app

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Could not put a bet on so I logged out and now I can’t log back in

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t put a bet on and not showing pending bets

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Down can not place bets
Cannot see bets

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

cant get a bet on

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Not working in Hobart and my buts are no longer in the betting slip.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't log in

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Tab outage just as I had 3 winners.
Looks like back to Sportsbet

AU Flag Icon


Beerwah, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot put a bet on. Message states camgwy not available??

AU Flag Icon

Tim - Point Cook VIC

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

When I tried to place a bet [which actually won & paid more than $22) I got the error message that read 'camgwy not available'. Is it me or is it them? I rebooted my PC several times. I rebooted my internet. Now I can't even log-on to my account.

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

This is so annoying! Becoming more consistent!!!

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Cost me $2.50, what’s going on??

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Is the tab apt playing up

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can't log in to tab app

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Another tab problem is going on

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t put bet on

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Another tab problem is going on

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Another tab problem is going on

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Another tab problem is going in

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

In South Australia cannot log in to my account

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

In South Australia cannot log in to my account

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Another spring carnival another tab outage

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Another spring carnival another tab outage

AU Flag Icon

Newstead, Australia 12 days ago

I’d love some information about why the app is not working!

AU Flag Icon

Newstead, Australia 12 days ago

I’d love some information about why the app is not working!

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

adelaide down

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

adelaide down

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Disgraceful another Sat with TAB issues

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Tab is be ashamed going offline on a spring Saturday

AU Flag Icon

Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot log in

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Not happy. You are costing me money as I am missing getting my bets on. Just missed another one and my horse come first. Seriously get your act together.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t put quarries on first leg Sydney hurry up wanks

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

It's fucked

AU Flag Icon

Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon

Deb Warrnambool

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Money gone from account cart put a bet on what’s going on tab (communication)would be good,

AU Flag Icon

Tim Engelhardt

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Account balance went from #321 to $0

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

They have taken all my money

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Some compensation should be considered.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place bet

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Some compensation should be considered.

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Deposited $20 and can't log in

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Good work Gill fuckhead

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can't log in

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot access account via tab app had enough going to close account just cost me a winner fuck them

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Yep it’s gotten worse - can’t login

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Are the TAB in pub broken aswell

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Went to put 2 bets on and said service not available came 1st and 3rd at big odds not happy

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot access account via tab app

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

TAB is shite today

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Customer service is poor, you have just cost me a trifecta, thanks for that, get your act together, your meant to be running a business

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Timing out when trying to place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cant press the login button

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot access account via tab app

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot access account via tab app

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Can't access. Have missed getting bets on. Not happy

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

I am me - Thanks Tab bloody useless

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can not put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t login been shit all day

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on now its logged me out and i cant sign in now

AU Flag Icon


Canberra, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t make a bet it comes up camgwy

AU Flag Icon

Canberra, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

3 days in a row now with problems
Tab is useless

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

3 days in a row now with problems
Tab is useless

AU Flag Icon

Shelly Freeman

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Tab down can't bet

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

I can't even login now

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

I can't even login now

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Not working

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Good service from a billion dollar company! Saturday racing, and can’t put a bet on.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

F***ing piece of crap TAB

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Give us a bonus

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Give us a bonus

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Give us a bonus

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Not working cost me a lot of money because horses won my bets not on are you giving us some money back to say sorry

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Let us know when it’s fixed

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot put bet in

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Just got a running double on.

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Free advertising for any other betting product.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Been going on for days! How long is this Camgwy catastrophe going to last?

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Amateur hour! Fix it!!

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can put a bet on

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't get a bet on

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Took my deposit no problem... camgwy not available.... what is happening

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

camgwy not available

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Error message: Camgwy not available
When will the fix be available?

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Won’t process wagers

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Hopeless. Managed to get one bet on.
Rest of the time will not accept bets.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Absolute joke

AU Flag Icon

Geelong, Australia 12 days ago

Unable to put on any bets except win place

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Unable to bet for 45 minutes. Camgwy not available, or betting not available try again soonest

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Betting down

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

fixed odds is working

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Not working - AGAIN

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Could you please inform us of the wait period for betting

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Unable to bet now for 45 minutes. Camgwy not available, or betting not available at this time.

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Bloody disgraceful service

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Bloody disgraceful service

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Bloody disgraceful service

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

How about TAB provide an update re the current problem. There's been nothing said on Sky Racing why?

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

How about TAB provide an update re the current problem. There's been nothing said on Sky Racing why?

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

How about TAB provide an update re the current problem. There's been nothing said on Sky Racing why?

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

How much longer is TAB down? App not working. Phone bets not working. Grrrr

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Not good enough TAB. Disgraceful service.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot place a bet

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

TAB pick hasn’t worked for days

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

camgwy not available..can't place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

When it tab app going to fixed, this not acceptable

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Unable to place a bet

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

How much longer is TAB down? App not working. Phone bets not working. Grrrr

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

camgwy is obviously just a scam so they dont have to pay out ,I bet they are still making millions ,just a bunch of thieves

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Why can I not place a bet today

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Why can I not place a bet today

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

cant place trifecta bet

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Yes Fixed odds worked

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Is site down??

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

OK for fixed odds bets

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

OK for fixed odds bets

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Just worked now but is it specific meetings?

AU Flag Icon


Bendigo, Australia 12 days ago

Camgwy not available when placing bet

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t bet - says Camgwy not available

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

same cannot put on a bet , keep getting messafe cwmway , betting not available.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

same cannot put on a bet , keep getting messafe cwmway , betting not available.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can not put my trifecta or quinellas on …what’s going on

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Picked the last two winners but can't put bet on GOOD on you TAB

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Cunts are fucked

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Cunts are fucked

AU Flag Icon

Mark Smith

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

con sarantis

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Tab came back on for very short time;-Now says "camgwy not available" when I try to bet
They have a computer glitch and they can't admit it

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t bet

AU Flag Icon

con sarantis

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Tab came back on for very short time;-Now says "camgwy not available" when I try to bet
They have a computer glitch and they can't admit it

AU Flag Icon

John nolan

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

I put a win bet on but I can not put a quaddie on

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Not working

AU Flag Icon

Donald Trump

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

There obviously a problem. Can someone from TAB at least provide an update

AU Flag Icon

Donald Trump

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

There obviously a problem. Can someone from TAB at least provide an update

AU Flag Icon

Donald Trump

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

There obviously a problem. Can someone from TAB at least provide an update

AU Flag Icon

Donald Trump

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

There obviously a problem. Can someone from TAB at least provide an update

AU Flag Icon

Donald Trump

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

There obviously a problem. Can someone from TAB at least provide an update

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Unable to place bets

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

can not put bet on

AU Flag Icon


Clyde North, Australia 12 days ago

Technology at its worst who reimburses your winning bets you can’t place

AU Flag Icon


Wollongong, Australia 12 days ago

NSW TAB Service - What service? Pathetic! Missing out on wins! This is ridiculous!

AU Flag Icon

Donald Trump

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

There obviously a problem. Can someone from TAB at least provide an update

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

There obviously a problem. Can someone from TAB at least provide an update

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot place bets absolute ridiculous on the biggest betting day. Not a happy customer.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

what's going on. can't place any bets online

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

what's going on. can't place any bets online

AU Flag Icon


Clyde North, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place a bet what’s camgy

AU Flag Icon


Clyde North, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place a bet what’s camgy

AU Flag Icon

Clyde North, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place a bet what’s camgy

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place bets. Ridiculous

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

I cannot place bets it says camgwy not available, only want normal place bets

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Outage again!

AU Flag Icon


Townsville, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place a bet via the app “Camgwy not available” whatever that means???

AU Flag Icon

Thomas N.

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put a bet on for last 15 minutes...what is happening TAB?

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

No betting available

AU Flag Icon

Katrina White

Townsville, Australia 12 days ago

I can’t place a bet via the app

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Always down not good enough

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

It’s that ‘camgwy not available’ issue; they(TAB) can’t seem to fix it!

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Come on TAB, let us know what’s going on!

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

What is camgwy? not allowing any bets to be placed. No wonder people are moving to SportsBet!

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Can't put bet on

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

What does camgwy mean? i cannot bet.

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

unable to place a bet

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

cannot put a bet on

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

an absolute this day and age...seriously...get you act together

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

an absolute this day and age...seriously...get you act together

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago


AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Unable to place bets all venues
Error : Camgy????

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t bet. Seriously?

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot put a bet on

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot place a bet today.

AU Flag Icon

Epping, Australia 12 days ago

camgwy not available!1 how to fix it please??

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Carnt put bets on

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Carnt put bets on

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

You can only bet Fixed odds

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place bets !!

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Footytab is down just says camgwy?

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place bet comes up with camgwy

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Unable to place bet

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Unable to place bet

AU Flag Icon

Terry Noonan

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Why cant i get a pick the score on. What does camgwy mean.

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Unable to place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Con sarantis

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cant place any bets-two days in a row-late ysterday and again this afternoon

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot put a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Unable to place a bet

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

still cannot put a bet on with TAB

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

still cannot put a bet on with TAB

AU Flag Icon

Geoffrey Linke

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Camgwy keeps appearing when trying to place a bet, but I am unable to do so.

AU Flag Icon

Katrina White

Townsville, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place trifecta bet

AU Flag Icon

Katrina White

Townsville, Australia 12 days ago

Can’t place a bet

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

What is going on with TAB

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Bloody tab

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Issues putting a bet on was trying to out $25 on winner in Sydney and failed to get bet on seems a constant issue with TAB in recent times may need to reconsider where I hold my account

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

Issues putting a bet on was trying to out $25 on winner in Sydney and failed to get bet on seems a constant issue with TAB in recent times may need to reconsider where I hold my account

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

I can’t make any bets

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Can't place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

This breakdown happens to often surely they no by now how to fix the problem

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Wtf … Camgwy not available

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

camgwy not available cant place a bet

AU Flag Icon

Chris Johnson

Canberra, Australia 12 days ago

Can put bets on. Get an error message - Camgwy not available

AU Flag Icon

Christine Cassar

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot place a bet . Error message is Camgwy not available

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 12 days ago

Cant place bet. Camgwy!!!!

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 12 days ago

My tab account keeps coming up camgwy what does this mean

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Cannot place a bet

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Won't accept a bet Message says "Camgwy not available"

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

trying to place a bet, getting message camgwy

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Won’t accept a bet

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

Won’t accept a bet

AU Flag Icon


Gold Coast, Australia 12 days ago

keep getting camgwy and cant get a bet on

AU Flag Icon

Graeme Sorrell

Sydney, Australia 12 days ago

trying to place a bet, getting message camgwy

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 13 days ago

I withdrew money from phone account and it's still not in my bank

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 13 days ago

I withdrew money from phone account and it's still not in my bank

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 13 days ago

I withdrew money from phone account and it's still not in my bank

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 13 days ago

I withdrew money from phone account and it's still not in my bank

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 13 days ago

I withdrew money from phone account and it's still not in my bank

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 13 days ago

I withdrew money from phone account and it's still not in my bank

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 13 days ago

I withdrew money from phone account and it's still not in my bank

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 13 days ago

I withdrew money from phone account and it's still not in my bank

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 13 days ago

I withdrew money from phone account and it's still not in my bank

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 14 days ago

unable to place bets ,out for over 1 hour

AU Flag Icon

Richard Kemps

Brisbane, Australia 14 days ago

My app not accepting my bet, says,
“Your bet has not been placed. Account currently accessed 40020000014”

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 14 days ago

Not paying my wins ,but says it has in won bets section

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 14 days ago

how long before we get service

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 14 days ago

Yes, its crashed again

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 14 days ago

Wont allow you to deposit, I hope they give us some free bets as it was down for 3 hours yesterday afternoon

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 14 days ago

not accepting bets. "Camgwy not available"

AU Flag Icon

Eric Ferguson

Brisbane, Australia 14 days ago

It's been 2 days with issues
Yesterday couldn't put a bet on
Today shows no money but I have $80 in it

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 14 days ago

Indian fever

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 14 days ago

Tab down since yesterday arvo
Can’t sing in
The camera GUI that takes your picture after each bet is down so the whole system has been rebooted

Who runs the IT on this place?
A repeat of 2019 when down for 5 days

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 14 days ago

Again down

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 14 days ago

Again down

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 14 days ago

Again down

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 14 days ago

Again down

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 14 days ago

cannot login

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 14 days ago

Yes, its crashed again

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 14 days ago

It’s crashed again

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 15 days ago

Can't put on bet with fixed or tote at all

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 1 months ago

Wont open

AU Flag Icon


Adelaide, Australia 1 months ago

Fed up with all their problems, happens too often, and can't get a bet on

AU Flag Icon

David burbidge

Adelaide, Australia 3 months ago


AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Australia 4 months ago

Not paying

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 5 months ago

Racing wins are not been paid out

AU Flag Icon

Rob Karl

Mandurah, Australia 6 months ago

TAB won't open the racing section at all. Is it down ?

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 6 months ago

App not loading

AU Flag Icon

Jamie lane

Brisbane, Australia 6 months ago

Cannot open app

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 6 months ago

Unable to login

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 6 months ago

Ettalong Beach NSW . Can't get on site

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 6 months ago

Can’t login

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 6 months ago

No access to app since mid afternoon

AU Flag Icon

Risto Siesmaa

Melbourne, Australia 6 months ago

App not providing details of race meetings today

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 6 months ago

Tab website down i Melbourne

AU Flag Icon

Stephen Clark

Brisbane, Australia 6 months ago

Can not access race meetings

AU Flag Icon


Officer, Australia 6 months ago

Tab app not working

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 6 months ago

App just keeps timing out on iPad

AU Flag Icon

Alfredo Calderaro

Canberra, Australia 6 months ago

I’m at Illawarra Steelers Club can not get tab app

Most common Tab problems reported by users




General Issues


My account shows nil money it should show $80


Can not put a bet on

Tab Outage Locations



Last Reported

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Queensland, AU


12 hours ago

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Victoria, AU


13 hours ago

AU Flag Icon

Orange, New South Wales, AU


4 days ago

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, South Australia, AU


5 days ago

AU Flag Icon

Kwinana, Western Australia, AU


5 days ago

AU Flag Icon

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, AU


5 days ago

AU Flag Icon

Hobart, Tasmania, AU


12 days ago

IM Flag Icon

Douglas, Douglas, IM


12 days ago

IM Flag Icon

Castletown, Castletown, IM


2 months ago

NZ Flag Icon

Auckland, Auckland, NZ


4 months ago

Are you experiencing issues with Tab right now?

Is not working for you? If you are having issues with Tab, please use one of the options below to report a problem with the service

Tips if is not working

  • Check your internet connection - Unstable connectivity can slow down or prevent your apps or websites from loading. Reset your modem or contact your ISP if necessary.

  • Use another device - Try using a different computer or device to access your website or app to know if it’s a device issue.

  • Restart your device - Restarting your device is very important. Simply turn off your device and wait a few minutes before turning it back on.

  • Use a different browser - It's possible that the problem is with your browser. Try using a different one to diagnose the problem.

  • Verify your URL - If you enter the wrong URL, the website may display an error page or it may direct you to a different site instead.

  • Clear your cache - The cache stores frequently accessed data temporarily. Clear your cache by going to browser settings and selecting "clear browsing data".

  • Try Incognito mode - This mode disables cookies and temporary cache automatically — so you would know immediately if you need to clear cache and cookies or not.

  • Update your app - Developers often release updates to fix bugs and improve your app’s performance. If you're having issues, check for available updates as it may solve your problem.

  • Check for compatibility - Check if the app or website works with your device and operating system as an old device may cause issues.

  • Use VPN Service - Your internet provider might block the website or app you want to access. Try a VPN to see if it works.

  • Turn off your browser extensions - These can sometimes mess with apps and websites. If you're having issues, try turning off any extensions you've added.

  • Check your firewall & antivirus - These can also prevent you from accessing certain websites or services. You can try temporarily turning them off to see if it fixes the issue.

  • Disable ad-blockers - Ad-blockers can cause problems as well. Try to disable any ad-blockers you have installed and check if it fixes the problem.

  • Uninstall & reinstall - This is for mobile apps encountering issues–try uninstalling and reinstalling it. This can clear up any corrupt files or settings.

  • Update your device - Your device software may be outdated. Check the settings for updates to make sure your device software is up-to-date.

  • Reset app or website settings - Certain apps and websites offer an option to reset their settings to default. Check the help section of the app or website to see if this is available.

  • Check for malware - Malware can create problems with apps and websites. Install a trustworthy antivirus program on your device and scan for malware.

  • Clear your DNS cache - Check if the app or website works with your device and operating system as an old device may cause issues.

Latest screenshot
Rate your experience with Tab uptime performance over the last 30 days

Frequently Asked Questions

If the issue persists after trying all of our tips, you can report the issue to us so we can further investigate. By this, you can also see if other users are experiencing it, too.

If your Tab, is running slow, it could be because of various reasons such as an old version, bad internet connectivity, or it could not be working properly with your device.

We suggest updating it and disabling extensions or ad-blockers. You can also try using a different browser.

If you see an error message from Tab, it could be because of different problems such as server issues, outdated software, or compatibility problems.

To fix it, check if there is an update available for the app or website. Also, make sure your device's software is up to date.

HTTP response status code is a 3-digit number that tells you if a request to a website or app was successful or not.

There are four types of codes: 2XX (successful), 3XX (redirect), 4XX (browser error), and 5XX (server error).

These codes help developers and users know what's happening and what to do next if there's a problem.

The HTTP response time technically measures how much time it takes for a website to load after you click on a link or type in its web address.

Knowing about HTTP response time can help you identify slow-loading websites and take action to improve your browsing experience.

When you can't load any content on Tab, it might be due to slow internet or issues with the content provider. Try to reset your router to improve your connectivity.

When many people are using Tab's app or website at the same time, it can cause issues. Try using it again during less busy times. You can also try using Incognito mode to see if it works.

Sometimes, you may have trouble using it due to issues with its code or design. Try changing your device's accessibility settings or you can also try using a different browser or device.

It could be because of wrong login information or problems with the app or website's code. Try resetting your password, checking your login details, or reaching out to their customer support for help.

If all else fails, please feel free to report the problem to us so we can investigate it further. You may also check if other users are facing the same issue on our website.